Il nostro team

Prof.ssa Giuliana Iurlano


Giuliana Iurlano is an aggregate professor of History of International Relations at the University of Salento, Lecce, and a lecturer of United States History at the same University. Her last books: Sion in America. Idee, progetti, movimenti per uno Stato ebraico (1654-1917) [Sion in America. Ideas, Projects and Movements for a Jewish State] and, with Antonio Donno, Nixon, Kissinger e il Medio Oriente, 1969-1973 (2010) [Nixon, Kissinger and the Middle East, 1969-1973]. 

Le relazioni tra Stati Uniti e Spagna nella prima metà del XIX secolo: l'Amistad e il "misterioso caso della lunga e bassa goletta nera"


Francesca Salvatore

Francesca Salvatore is attending the 3rd year of a PhD Course in International Relations at Salento University (Lecce, Italy) with a research focused on “Us-India relations during Kennedy administration”. For this reason, during summer 2012 she spent a research period at Kew Gardens Archives (London), at NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) in Washington DC and at the National Archives of India, New Delhi. She is the publication manager of Eunomia, scientific online journal. From 2013 is teaching assistant in “Us history” and "International Relations" at Salento University, Lecce, Italy .

Paolo Macrì

Paolo Macrì is a lawyer, a legal advisor of the Italian Army Reserve and an International Relations scholar. After the first degree in Law in Bologna (1994), he lived in Rome, Bari, Lecce and Vicenza, working and studying in Milan and in the United States too. He obtained a Master degree in Human Rights Protection (2005) and attended the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation basic course at the Multinational Cimic Group in Motta di Livenza (2010). In 2011 he obtained a Ph.D. degree in International Relations and at the present time he’s studying  the influence of Western NGOs and para-governmental bodies on international relations – especially transatlantic relations – during the twentieth century. He is Honorary Fellow in History of International Relations and in Diplomatic History at the University of Salento.


Ruben Donno


Ruben Donno is attending the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Salento in Lecce and the Scuola Superiore ISUFI (Istituto Superiore Universitario di Formazione Interdisciplinare).


Brunella Donno



Brunella Donno is attending the Faculty of Psychology at the University “G. D'Annunzio” in Chieti.